Rabu, 08 Juli 2015



Causative Have mempunyai pengertian yang sama dengan Giving Instruction atau memberi perintah. Hanya saja Causative Have bersifat tidak langsung atau menginginkan seseorang mengerjakan sesuatu untuk dirinya.

Have usually indicates that the person used his or her authority to obtain the result.
We use causative have to show that you ask someone to do something. When we use “have”, we usually have power over somebody. We don’t need to persuade them, you are paying them to do something or you are in charge. 

S + (have-had) + agent + action verb (bare infinitive) + object

We use causative have when we had some kind of work done for us
S + (have-had) + object + action verb (V-3)

1.      Causative is used when arranging for someone to do something for us.
·         They had their car repaired(they arranged for someone to repair it)
·         They repaired their car. (they did it themselves)
·         had my hair cut yesterday. (I went to the hairdresser)
·         I cut my hair yesterday. (I cut it myself)
2.      Causative is also used when someone does something to us.
·         Bill had his money stolen.
3.      have someone do something can be used to talk about giving instructions or orders (more common in American English).
·         had my assistant type the report.
·         I’ll have my lawyer look into it.

Contoh Kalimat Active Causative Have - Had :
1.      Lala had her friend take her result test.
2.      The student had the teacher speak slowly.
3.      I will have Rudy paint my room tomorrow.
4.      Does the teacher have the student read the book?
5.      Did you have the supplier send me more samples?

Contoh Kalimat Passive Causative Have – had :
1.      I had my house renovated last week.
2.      He had his book returned as soon as possible.
3.      I have my jacket cleaned at a laundry.
4.      Who must have the work finished on time?
5.      We have had our house repainted.

Additional points
Get is possible instead of have, usually in informal spoken English.
·         I’m going to have my car fixed tomorrow.
·         I’m going to get my car fixed tomorrow.

Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Let’s Make the City Clean And Fresht

A clean and fresh a city will surely make the inhabitants healthily. Every morning especially in dry season, all roads must be watered with clean water swept by the workers of regional government under the mayor’s instruction.

To protect people from heavy pollution caused by cars, trucks and motorcycles enough trees must be planted along the roads. Every building or houses in the city must be surrounded by short and small trees which bear colorful flowers.

Bad and improper habits which cause disadvantages, such as smoking and throwing rubbish anywhere should be stopped at once.

The city mayor will have to think over the way to educate people, so they realize how important cleanliness and health care. More public lavatories are badly needed.

It will be wise if the city mayor decides a certain amount of fine to be paid by those who break the amount of fine to be paid by those who break the government regulation on cleanliness matter. For example, a man who urinates not at a lavatory smokes not at a smoking room or throws rubbish at the roads should be fined. Besides dirtying the environment with cigarettes’ butts, smoking will also cause pollution and bad lung disease to other people.

So bad habits and impolite attitude should be immediately stopped otherwise the city will be dirty, unhealthy, badly polluted and will never attract foreign and domestic tourist as well.

  • Adjectives
    • A clean and fresh a city will surely...
    • ...throwing rubbish anywhere should be stopped at once.
    • a man who urinates not at a lavatory smokes
    • So bad habits 
  • Adverbs
    • make the inhabitants healthily
    • More public lavatories are badly needed
    • immediately ,unhealthy

Sumber : http://www.kursussingkatbahasainggris.com/2014/12/contoh-artikel-bahasa-inggris-tentang.html

Influenza Virus

The influenza virus is a single molecule composed of millions of individual atoms. Although bacteria can be considered a type of plant, secreting poisonous substances into the body of the organism they attack, viruses, like the influenza virus, are living organisms themselves. We may consider them regular chemical molecules since they have strictly defined atomic structure; but on the other hand, we must also consider them as being alive since they are able to multiply in unlimited quantities.
An attack brought on by presence of influenza virus in the body produces a temporary immunity, but, unfortunately, the protection is against only type of virus that caused the influenza. Because the disease can be produced by anyone of three types, referred to a, b, or c, and many strains within each type, immunity to one will not prevent infection by another type or strain.

  • Verbs + To Infinitive :
    • to multiply
  • Verbs + gerunds
    • secreting
    • living